Coupons are everywhere! Have you seen them? It is amazing what you can find when you just look!
Blinkies: Those little machines that spit out coupons. They can be found at most stores. The key to making the most of these machines is not to buy the item right then. Rather grad a couple of the coupons and wait for the product to go on sale.
Display Coupons: These are coupons that are in special holders promoting a product. Much like blinkies, unless it is on sale, just grab a couple and save.
Tear Pads: Look for displays that have tear pads on them. This have the same idea as the blinkies, wait to use these coupons until the product goes on sale.
Attached to Products: These are coupons that are attached to the product. Please only take these coupons if you are buying the product right then. Often if someone takes the coupon to save, others will not buy that box, and it is useless to the store. However if you are going to buy the product do remember to take the coupon off right away and put it into you coupon stack so you don't forget to use it.
Coupons inside Products: Check the packaging for coupons inside. Butter, cereal, snack food are among many of those who put coupons in their products. If you know or can see that there is a coupon inside, go ahead an open the package to use the coupon. However please to do open packages inside the just to "check" for coupons.
Random Coupons: These are my favorite coupons! What happens is someone goes into the store with their coupons, but decides not to buy the product they have a coupon for. Instead of taking the coupons back home with them, they just leave them on the shelf. At that point I like to pick them up and stick them in my coupon holder. Be careful, sometimes they are left behind because they are expired!
Remember you too can leave some random coupon kindness. Say you clip coupons for cat treats, but you do not have a cat, or have friends that could use them, next time you are at the store, just leave near the product they are for so someone else can come by and use them. However stores will remove them when they clean up for the night, so try to do it earlier in the day.
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